National planning system Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social 2030 de Cuba Sistema Nacional de Planificación de Cuba Ministerio de Economía y Planificación de Cuba Resolución 57/2022 de Cuba Plan Characterization gavel record_voice_over history insert_chart playlist_add_check attach_money trending_up assignment Public Investment There is no data available for a project bank for this country. There is no data on Public Investment Plans available for this country. There is no data available for the Public Investment Legal Framework for this country. There is no data available on Public Investment National Systems for this country. Urban development There are not Urban development plans available for this country. 2030 Agenda for sustainable development Legal Framework for the 2030 Agenda Country has not reported legal framework Institutional Mechanisms for the 2030 Agenda Grupo Nacional (GN) para la implementación de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Cuba Secretariat Ministerio de Economía y Planificación de Cuba SDG Territorialization National Level Plataforma Articulada para el Desarrollo Integral Territorial, PADIT de Cuba Territorial planning Esquema Nacional de Ordenamiento Territorial de Cuba Nacional Instituto de Planificación Física de Cuba