The Directorate of Decentralization and Public Investment, Office of Planning and Budget (OPP) plans and designs policies for the development of departmental and municipal governments. It contributes to fostering local democracy, political decentralization, citizen participation and the promotion of territorial development with equity. It also advises the Directorate of the OPP on investment policies and ensures that investment is planned and executed in a manner consistent with the objectives and regulations of the SNIP. According to Art. 10 of Decree 231-015, the OPP is responsible for the administration and management of the National Public Investment System and within its framework:
a) Propose to the Executive Branch the bases of the national public investment policy, advising it in this regard.
b) Establish technical standards for the formulation and evaluation of public investment projects.
c) To define the level of pre-investment studies to be requested, which shall be graduated according to the amount and complexity of the investment.
d) Analyze and report on the social, economic and technical feasibility of public investment projects.
e) Evaluate the pre-investment and investment processes before, during and after, measuring their results and impacts.
f) Issue technical opinions on pre-investment studies related to public investment projects.
g) Create and keep updated the public investment project bank.
h) Ensure the availability and quality of information on public investment.
i) To train, by itself or through specialized institutions selected for such purpose, the personnel involved in tasks related to the different phases of public investment in the executing agencies and organizations.
Stages of the Investment Project Cycle in which it participates:
Formulation, Ex Ante Evaluation and Execution.
Stages of the Public Investment Policy Cycle in which it participates:
Planning, Budgeting, Ex Post Audit.