The purpose of the Directorate of Investment Programming, Ministry of Economy and Finance is to promote the planning, monitoring and evaluation of non-financial public investment, through the National Public Investment System (SINIP), in order to contribute to the achievement of the development objectives set forth in the government's plan. As SINIP's governing body, it participates by supervising and advising on the formulation of investment projects. Once the projects are registered in the project bank, it verifies that they comply with current regulations in order to grant the technical endorsement. During the project execution stage, it supervises the physical and financial progress of the projects and, in the case of larger projects, conducts field visits. It is responsible for preparing the Five-Year Investment Plan and following up on it during its implementation.
Stages of the Investment Project Cycle in which it participates:
Formulation, Ex Ante Evaluation and Execution.
Stages of the Public Investment Policy Cycle in which it participates:
Planning, Budgeting.