General Directorate of Public Investment (DGIP), Sub-secretariat of Economy, Ministry of Finance of Paraguay

  • Government

In coordination and participation with the Technical Secretariat for Economic and Social Development Planning (STP), it sets administrative provisions that regulate the operation of the National Public Investment System (SNIP). Among its main functions are:


a) Prepare and submit to the National Economic Team (EEN) the consolidated medium-term 3-year Multi-year Public Investment Program, articulated to the Multi-year Fiscal Program in coordination with the Technical Secretariat for Economic and Social Development Planning (STP), with the participation of all State Agencies and Entities (OEE) and other institutions.

b) Prepare/update the formulation and evaluation methodologies to be applied in the preparation of investment projects to be submitted to the National Public Investment System (SNIP), in coordination with the STP.

c) Determine the social prices and decision criteria to be used in the formulation and evaluation of public investment projects, in coordination with the STP.

d) Coordinate with the OEE, the STP and other public institutions subject to the SNIP the identification of sectors for the destination and use of public investment resources and the actions to be followed for the planning and management of public investment.

e) Monitor compliance with the norms, methodologies, guidelines and procedures established in the formulation, evaluation and execution of projects, in coordination with the STP in the area of competence of each institution.

f) To issue the feasibility opinion of the projects submitted to the SNIP.

g) Assign the SNIP Code to the Investment Projects, through the feasibility report.

h) To issue the emplacement opinions.

i) Conduct results, impact and ex-post evaluations of selected projects in coordination with the STP.

j) Disseminate the SNIP.

k) To implement a training plan on matters related to the public investment process.

l) Provide technical support in matters within its competence to the institutions that request it.

m) Establish communication channels between the public and private sectors, supporting agreements between them that contribute to better identification of projects of national interest.

n) To inform the Executive and Legislative Branches about the state of progress of the projects under execution.

o) To manage the information system of the National Public Investment System.

p) Perform other functions or tasks related to the public investment process.


Stages of the Investment Project Cycle in which it participates:
Formulation, Ex Ante Evaluation, Execution, Ex Post Evaluation (To be implemented).


Stages of the Public Investment Policy Cycle in which it participates:
Planning, Budgeting, Ex Post Audit.

Sectorial topic
descriptionGoverning Body