National Directorate of Public Investment, Secretary of Budget Assessment, Public Investment and Public-Private Participation (SEPIP and PPP), Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Nation (JGM) of Argentina

  • Government

The National Directorate of Public Investment (DNIP) under the Secretariat of Budget Evaluation, Public Investment and Public-Private Participation (SEPIPyPPP) of the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Nation (JGM)) is the body responsible for the National Public Investment System (SNIP). The main functions of the DNIP are:


a) To control the formulation and evaluation of investment projects carried out by the National Public Sector Agencies, in terms of compliance with the established methodologies, guidelines, and procedures.
b) To collaborate with the political authorities for the best selection of the projects to be included in the national budget.
c) To prepare annually the National Public Investment Plan (PNIP).
d) To manage the Bank of Public Investment Projects (BAPIN), which provides information on public investment projects.


The SEPIPyPPP as the implementing authority of the SNIP focuses on normative aspects and inter-institutional coordination for the formulation of the PNIP. In particular, the implementing authority has the power to issue implementing, complementary or clarifying norms of the Public Investment Law, concluding the administrative acts required for the integral management of the SNIP. It also informs and advises the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers of the Nation in the inter-institutional coordination for the sectorial prioritization of public investment and submits for his consideration the PNIP proposal prepared by the DNIP.


Phases of the Public Investment Project Cycle in which it participates:
Formulation, Ex Ante Evaluation, Selection and Execution.


Phases of the Public Investment Policy Cycle in which it participates:
Planning, Budgeting and Ex Post Evaluation.



Sectorial topic
descriptionGoverning Body