Open Government Core Group of Ecuador

  • Government
  • Civil society
  • Academic Sector

The Open Government Core Group was created by Agreement No. SGPR-2021-037. It is an instance made up of actors from the public sector, civil society organizations and academia. It works in a cohesive way that bases its actions on consensus, seeking to establish common strategies that allow the impulse, promotion and exercise of Open Government in Ecuador. Its function is to coordinate the co-creation of the National Open Government Plan, accompanies its implementation and monitors its results.



1) Government: Presidency of the Republic, National Planning Secretariat, Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society (Mintel), Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries, Ombudsman.


2) Civil society: Citizenship and Development Foundation (FCD), Internet Aid Foundation (Fundapi), Foundation for the Advancement of Reforms and Opportunities (Grupo Faro), Esquel Foundation.


3) Academia: Institute of Higher National Studies (IAEN), Private Technical University of Loja (UTPL), University of the Hemispheres.