The National Public Investment System (SNIP), under the responsibility of the Sub-secretariat of Investment for Development of the Secretariat of Planning and Programming of the Presidency (SEGEPLAN), focuses its efforts on the preparation and updating of the multi-year Public Investment Program (PIP), which provides the Budgetary System with the necessary information for the preparation of the State's Income and Expenditure Budget in the area of investment, as well as orients the negotiation of international cooperation in relation to development priorities.
The programming of public investment with a medium and long-term horizon makes it possible to foresee the recurrent costs that projects will have on future budgets, which in turn translates into transparency in the use of public resources. SEGEPLAN, as the State's governing planning entity, advises and technically assists public institutions and the Development Council system to link public policy, planning and programming processes with the Plan and the National Development Policy, as well as their due follow-up and evaluation.
It prepares and annually updates the Norms of the National Public Investment System, which establishes the processes for the presentation of public investment projects from the moment they are formulated until their conclusion. In accordance with these norms, it issues the technical opinion on the investment projects, which is essential for the projects to be submitted to the Ministry of Finance for their inclusion in the Budget Bill. Once the Budget Law is approved, it elaborates the Annual Public Investment Program based on the information registered by the executing entities in the project bank and the Ministry of Finance's financial information system prepares the Public Investment Report every four months.
Stages of the Investment Project Cycle in which it participates:
Formulation, Ex Ante Evaluation, Execution.
Stages of the Public Investment Policy Cycle in which it participates:
Planning, Budgeting, Ex Post Audit.