The proposed ex post evaluation methodology is based on a comparison between two scenarios: the Situation With Project Planned at the time of project formulation and ex ante evaluation, and the Situation With Actual Project, which actually occurred up to the time the investment ends and up to year 5, as the case may be. For this purpose, indicators are compared, which depend on the type of project under study and the ex ante evaluation that has been carried out.
In the completion evaluation, the ex ante estimated values and dates are compared with the actual ones, i.e., with those actually executed: the total amount of the investment planned is compared with the amount actually incurred; the start and closing date and the time frame planned are compared with those actually incurred; the pattern or sequence of execution of the planned investment is compared with the actual one; benefits and costs are actually recorded.
In addition, in the two instances of ex post evaluation (completion and results), a final step is proposed, which consists of a review of the project's viability indicators. That is, a review of the calculation of NPV, IRR, CAE, Cost/Efficiency or any economic or non-economic evaluation indicator (quali-quantitative indicators) used in the ex ante evaluation.