Los miembros de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto https://www.opengovpartnership.org/es/ (AGA) respaldan la Declaración de Gobierno Abierto, crean planes de acción en consulta con la sociedad civil y se comprometen a una evaluación pública e independiente de su progreso. Para participar en la AGA, los gobiernos deben demostrar su compromiso con el gobierno abierto mediante el cumplimiento de una serie de criterios de desempeño (mínimos) en todas las dimensiones clave que son especialmente importantes para aumentar la capacidad de respuesta del gobierno, fortalecer la participación de los ciudadanos y combatir la corrupción, así como la adhesión a las normas y valores de la gobernanza democrática establecidos en la Declaración sobre el Gobierno Abierto. La elegibilidad básica se determina mediante evaluaciones del desempeño de los países en cuatro áreas críticas de gobierno abierto: transparencia fiscal, acceso a la información, divulgación de activos y participación ciudadana.
Latin America and the Caribbean is carrying out a deep modernization of public management to achieve more effective, efficient and open governments, for the benefit of citizens. An open government is characterized by being transparent and promoting participation and collaboration schemes, in order to improve the quality of public services. For some years now, the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) has supported the countries of the region in the formulation and development of their own action plans to achieve more and better democracy, encouraging active collaboration between government bodies at all levels, and between them and citizens. On the other hand, technological innovation through the use of open data is another resource that ILPES promotes to give public and social value to the information accumulated and/or produced in government institutions.
Countries of the region members of the Open Government Partnership
Total Open Government Action Plans in the region (2011-2024)
Total open government commitments in the region (2011-2024)
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The International Budget Partnership (IBP) works in collaboration with multiple actors - including civil society, state actors, international institutions and the private sector - to achieve a world in which empowered citizens participate in open and inclusive budgeting processes to shape policies and practices that promote equity and justice on a sustainable basis. Fiscal transparency is measured by the timely publication of essential budget documents that form the building blocks of budget responsibility and an open budget system, using a subset of indicators from the Open Budget Survey https://www.internationalbudget.org/open-budget-survey, conducted by the International Budget Partnership (IBP) https://www.internationalbudget.org/.