Planning of Bahamas: National Development Plan, Vision 2040

32_Bahamas_finalfinalok2 NATIONALDEVELOPMENTPLAN:VISION 2040 DIAGNOSTIC C ONSU L TA TIVE P R OCESS FORMULATIONAND DRAFTING S t a te o f the N a tion Report SMARTBahamasMaster Plan B udg e t C oo r din a tes the planning th r ough all the mini s tries Ministries establish operationalplans and goals and coordinate actions Economic andPlanning Unit Economic andPlanning Unit ImplementationPlans Financingof the Plans GovernmentandAdministrativeEfficiencyProgramme DonorsSupport U nive r sity o f T he Bahamas’ G o vernme n t and Public P olicy I n s titute I ndic at o r s o f S uccess ProjectEvaluationTool As aresult S u s tainable D e velopme n t Goals linkedto S upported by O ffice o f the Prime Mini s ter Makes progress andrelevant changes.Ensures continuityand effectiveness. S upport by S tarts a F ormul a tion Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation

The National Development Plan: Vision 2040, provides a roadmap for the future development of The Bahamas. The Plan includes a comprehensive policy framework that will guide Government decision making and investment over the next 25 years. Vision 2040 is an initiative of the Government of The Bahamas, developed in partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank and in close cooperation with the University of The Bahamas and The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation. The Plan has been guided by extensive research, analysis and widespread public consultation aimed at addressing four main policy pillars: The Economy, Governance, Social Policy and Environment (Natural and Built).


The National Development Plan was designed in three phases. The first was to make a diagnosis about the State of the Bahamas, in which a comprehensive analysis of the country was carried out; in that way a socio-economic physical and environmental assessment was developed, together with an institutional and governance assessment. Secondly, workshops were held on vision and vision strategies; ministerial and national surveys, stakeholder meetings and family island engagements. These will serve as routes through which to receive the stakeholders inputs. The third phase was the formulation, drafting and confirmation of the Plan, which created the national vision and generated strategic documents using the inputs and ideas of the bahamians among all stakeholders.


The Plan is supported by other documents that have been generated, such as the State of the Nation Report and the SMART Bahamas Master Plan. In addition, the implementation and execution of the plan will be in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals, which are already articulated within the Plan. Administrative efficiency programs have been developed, in which the different ministries will establish operational plans and goals, where the different actions mentioned in the plan are being implemented. The Economic and Planning Unit is the central organ, which coordinates the planning through the ministries. As the entity in charge of the implementation of the plans, it takes care of financial issues in order to be able to execute the different programs.

The Economic Development and Planning Unit, along with the University of The Bahamas Government and Public Policy Institute, will provide technical assistance to different agencies to assist them in the implementation of projects and programs.

Monitoring and Evaluation

One important component of developing an effective plan is understanding the preconditions for success. The Logical Framework Approach is a description of the general approach to the planning and monitoring and evaluation tool. The logframes matrix is developed during the programs design and is subsequently updated throughout implementation. Chapter IV of Vision 2040 

Connection with sectoral planning

The National Development Plan Steering Committee is formed by different sectors of government. In addition, they must develop the different plans for the sectors, which will be related to each other. The lead agencies are expected to develop implementation plans detailing the required projects and programs. These implementation plans must be actionable and be accompanied by the project's tactical plans required to limit the project's creep potential and delays.

Connection with territorial planning

Bahamas integrates a development system, in which the national plan integrates territorial plans such as the Nassau Masterplan and Island Masterplans.

* Even though the National Development Plan: Vision 2040 is currently in its second draft and not approved yet by Parliament, ministries are currently using this tool to guide their work and adjusting it to their responsibilities.