Planning of Belize

03Belize_finalfinalok2 F ormulación Implementación Seguimiento y Evaluación Ministry ofEconomic Development MOFMinistry ofFinance O ffice the Prime Mini s ter and C abin e t Horizon 2030Long TermNationalDevelopment Frameworkfor Belize Growth andSustainableDevelopmentStrategy(GSDS),2016-2019. EconomicSustainableNationalStrategy CEOsCAUSCUS CEOsCAUSCUS BelizeFramework forSusteinableDevelopment ACTIONPROGRAMS TechnicalCommittee CriticalSuccessFactors NecessaryConditions EconomicalandSustainableDevelopmentCouncil Policy and Planning U nit Managementby Result T o tal B udg e t C o n t r ol ProjectCycle SMARTSTREAM W orking T ables Commitees S upported by MYESYSTEM STATISTICS IN S TITUTE OF Ministry ofEconomic Development Ministry ofEconomic Development GROWTH ANDSUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENTSTRATEGY Developped by Review the overall progress of the GSDS based on the M&E reports, and makes adjustments if necessary. S urpervise te p r ocess o f the W orking T ables, r e view the d a ta, report t o the board o f C E O s, with re c ommenda - tions


This process was built after several efforts that intended to create a unique intrument that could gather together all sustainable objectives for Belize’s development.  By iniciative of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, in 2009 started a process to create a long term planning intrument. As a result, in 2010 the Horizon 2030- Long Term National Development Framework for Belize was presented. After that, other important strategies were developed, such as Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS) for 2014- 2017, which was alligned to the Horizon 2030. Concurrently, Belize volunteered itself to become a pilot country in the implementation of the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS), which was supported technically and financially by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Due to the number of existing strategies available, arose the idea of merging them together into one single document. UN Agencies (UNDP and UNDESA) and other actors supported the merger of the GPRS and the NSDS into one coherent medium term planning document to be ratified by a Consultative Process. The whole process was succesful and the Chiefs Executives Officers (CEOs) Caucus endorsed it.


In the implementation process it is the Prime Minister and the Cabinet who authorize the GSDS 2016-2019. After that, the CEOs Caucus review it and solves priority issues, which are incorporated to the Framework for Sustainable Development. Throught an Action Plan, the Framework defines the tasks to accomplish the goals and objectives that were defined and inspired by the Horizon 2030 vision. The Action Plan includes an Overall Goal. To attained this goal four Critical Success Factors (CSF) are stablished along with a detailed set of Necessary Conditions (NC). The organization in charge of this stage is the Ministry of Economic Development, in coordination with Technical Committees which review and monitor the fulfillment of goals, and then report to CEOs Caucus.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The CEOs Caucus is reposible for reviewing the GSDS 2016-2019 general progress. For detailed information on the M & S Monitoring and Evaluation System “a set of standing Working Tables will be organized under each of the CSFs, and will report upwards to the Technical Committees, who in turn report to the CEO Caucus. Each Working Table will also contribute to the development of the National Statistical System. In addition, ad hoc Working Tables can be formed as needed to review specific issues, and may include representatives from any relevant government agency, non-governmental organization, or academic institution”.

Connection with sectoral planning

Within Necessary Condition 1.3.7 is proposed Strategically Prioritize Sectors for Development and comply with Action 22: Finalize and approve the National Export Strategy (NES) and coordinate its implementation, together with the National Sustainable Tourism Master Plan, within wider national planning efforts. Sectors and industries prioritized for development include tourism as well as those sectors identified in the NES (subject to the strategy being finalized and approved).

The prioritized sectors are: Agriculture; Agro-processing;  Audio-visual; Culture and entertainment; Energy and bio-fuels; ICT; Marine fisheries and aquaculture; Medical tourism; Professional services; and Tourism.