The National Public Investment Plan (PNIP) is a multiannual horizontal 3-year plan and annual update elaborated by the National Directorate of Public Investment (DNIP), as established by Law No. 24454 on the National Public Investment System (SNIP). The PNIP comprises the details of the investment projects that are part of the Budget Bill for the year of publication, as well as its previsions for the years after. As a consequence, it provides for the totality of capital expenses, as well as the expenses for executing the works such as the acquisition of capital goods to be executed directly by some National Public Administration (APN) body, those executed by third parties with APN resources (capital transfers) and financial investment. For some projects or a set of projects, mention is made of its link with sectoral and territorial plans, examples of which are the Belgrano Plan and the National Water Plan.

The structure of the PNIP 2023-2025 presents in a systematic and organized manner the set of public investment programs and projects (Capital Expenditures) incorporated into the draft General Budget Law of the National Administration. The investments foreseen for 2023 will continue with their dynamizing role in the economic system, boosting growth and ensuring its sustainability in the medium and long term. The PNIP 2023-2025 includes the investment projects included in the Budget Bill for the year 2023, as well as its forecasts for the years 2024 and 2025. Consequently, it contemplates all the Capital Expenditures destined both to the execution of works and the acquisition of capital goods to be executed directly by any NPA agency (IRD), through third parties with NPA resources (Capital Transfers), and the Financial Investment. In turn, they will maintain their preponderance in the improvement of the national socioeconomic context and in the recovery of capital formation.  The main sectors are: housing and urban planning (18% of the total), energy, fuel and mining (17%), potable water and sewerage (13%), roads (13%), education and culture (9%), transportation (9%) and science and technology (4%). The PNIP is structured in different sections, which deal with: the recent evolution of Public Investment, the composition of Capital Expenditure, the main sectors covered, the different sources of Financing, the geographic location of each project, investment initiatives, among others. It also mentions the methodological aspects to be taken into account.

Latest update: February 08, 2023


List of projects

The Investment Plan includes lists of the main projects by sector and, in an annex, the projects that are part of the annual budget are included.

Project cost

The national investment plan considers the cost of all investment projects. The source of financing is also considered.

Assigned budget

The investment projects included in the plan have an assigned budget.


The investment plan contains information on the location of the projects, divides the investment amounts by territory, provides for territorial investment plans. It is important to highlight that the list is also divided into thematic areas (science, transportation, education, health, etc.). The capital expenditures of the 2023 Budget Bill of the National Administration respond to an integration of the provinces in a federal and articulated manner, understanding public investment as an indispensable tool for the development of regional economies. Therefore, the territorialization of the plan is organized in zones: Pampeana, NOA, NEA, Cuyo and Patagonia.

Product and/or Result Indicators

The investment plan does not include product and/or result indicators.


The project list does not include preferential order and/or prioritization criteria. However, much emphasis is placed on the sanitary context that the country in particular and the world in general had to go through in order to base certain projects, especially sanitation, sanitary and health projects.

Caracterización del Plan