Action plan


The Fifth Action Plan contains 7 commitments that seek to implement transformative policies that address public problems. Topics include: deinstitutionalization and social inclusion of people with mental illness; public participation in environmental issues; access to health information; gender and inequalities.

The Fifth Action Plan is the result of collaborative work, led by the National Board of Open Government. More than 320 people from 18 provinces participated, 30 civil society organizations and 6 areas of the National State took part. Participatory workshops were held to identify the main challenges in the agreed themes. Also, citizen proposals with solutions to these challenges were received and dialogue meetings were held in which the responsible organizations received feedback on the commitments made by the citizens. In turn, federal participation was promoted through meetings in digital format. Finally, to enhance citizen participation in the implementation of the plan (it had been found that for the Fourth Plan, citizen participation was higher during the co-creation of the plan than in the implementation), a participatory component was incorporated in all the commitments.

Monitoring and evaluation:

National platform for monitoring commitments (no information)

Latest report of the Open Government Partnership Independent Review Mechanism (Action Plan Review 2022-2024)


Main topics: deinstitutionalization and social inclusion of people with mental illness; public participation in environmental issues; access to health information; gender and inequalities.

Total commitments: 7

Subnational commitments: No

Open parliament commitments: No

Open justice commitments: No

Caracterización del Plan

1. Public participation in environmental decision-making within the framework of the implementation of the Escazú Agreement in Argentina

Build the notion of "early participation" in a participatory manner to have a consensual starting point when designing decision-making processes in environmental matters; strengthen the capacities of public bodies in terms of access rights; increase the dissemination of information on environmental matters; and generate the enabling conditions to broaden the base of federal participation by promoting spaces for institutional articulation with representation at the provincial level.

5. Access to information and care policies

Improve the tool that contains information on the offer of care spaces and services for early childhood, the elderly and people with disabilities and spaces for training in care (Federal Care Map); design a tool that links the supply of services with the potential demand for care and thus be able to identify gaps in coverage and critical nodes.