Action Plan
In recent years, Peru has progressed towards an Open State model, in which the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches have adopted commitments regarding Open Government, and this paradigm has crossed all levels of government and autonomous agencies. This Fifth Action addresses commitments of the three powers of the State.
The plan's co-creation process had five stages: preparatory; understanding of problems; co-creation; validation of commitments; and approval and dissemination. In the first stage, topic choices, public consultation and identification of actors and preparation of diagnoses were made. In the problem understanding stage, problem discussion workshops and brainstorming workshops were held. In the third stage, commitment co-creation workshops were developed. In the commitment validation stage, the objective was for the entities in charge of the commitments to adapt them in the format established by OGP with deadlines and indicators. Finally, the approval and dissemination stage consisted of the preparation of reports that supported the approval of the plan.
Monitoring and evaluation:
National platform for monitoring commitments (no information)
Latest report of the Independent Reporting Mechanism (no information)
Transversal approach: access to information
Total commitments: 13
Subnational commitments: No
Open parliament commitments: Yes
Open justice commitments: Yes
Caracterización del Plan
1. Review and improve the regulatory framework of the National Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA) in relation to the application of citizen participation mechanisms
Improve the regulatory framework in the application of citizen participation mechanisms that strengthen the environmental evaluation processes of investment projects.
2. Strengthen the digital platform of the National Environmental Information System (SINIA), with the incorporation of information from MINAM and its affiliated public agencies
Consolidate SINIA's digital platform in order to facilitate access to information on the country's environmental situation.
3. Articulate the OEFA and SENACE platforms, corresponding to certification information and environmental control
Continue with the implementation of web services and/or registration interfaces between the Agency for Environmental Assessment and Enforcement - OEFA and the National Environmental Certification Service for Sustainable Investments - SENACE; articulate with the entities that generate environmental information at the different levels of government, through mechanisms that allow sharing and/or interoperation, to consolidate and/or disseminate relevant statistical, documentary and/or geospatial environmental information for a better supply and access of information to the citizenry.
4. Facilitate access and promote the use of the information presented in the System for consulting the results of student learning achievement assessments at the educational system level (SICRECE)
Improve the design, the way the information is presented and incorporate new functionalities in the platform, which seeks to be more friendly, versatile and easy to understand, based on the needs of the different educational actors and the general public; generate dissemination spaces to promote access and use of the new version of SICRECE.
5. Strengthen the channels to access information on educational infrastructure through QR codes and Chatbots
Provide and strengthen from PRONIED the digital tools that citizens have to access information on educational infrastructure in a closer and easier way, directing citizens to the web space from a QR tool and providing automatic responses to frequent queries from chatbots.
6. Promote the implementation of spaces for student participation in educational institutions of Regular Basic Education and Alternative Basic Education
Publish and promote the implementation of the "Guidelines for student participation in Basic Education"; update RVM No. 067-2011-ED "Rules and Guidelines for the Organization, Implementation and Operation of School Municipalities"; design and implement the student participation strategy "Somos Pares" for the initial, primary and secondary education levels in an articulated manner; implement the strategy "National Student Participation Network" aimed for Basic Education students"; update the "Guidelines for the Formation of the Student Participation Council - COPAE", approved by Directorial Resolution No. 2896-2009-ED.
7. Redesign the information channels of Pronabec to improve the experience of access to information on scholarships and educational loans
Improve access to information regarding scholarships and educational loans as a source of financing for higher education.
8. Implement a computer tool to access information on cancer health services
Generate a space that allows sharing, innovating, agreeing on experiences and needs, among the groups involved to find alternatives for improvement, in terms of access to information on cancer health services that include information in a comprehensive manner.
9. Design and implement an interactive repository that allows access to information on the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) processes
Implement a digital repository that contains the reports made by RENETSA that allows interested parties to get to know and complement previous information, to be considered in the HTA processes.
10. Update and strengthen the platforms for access to information for investment projects in health at the national level
Develop a mobile application "Obra Salud", which will allow to identify the current status of the projects in charge of PRONIS in a friendly and agile way, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with or without connection to the network; have a second stage that will consist of a web version that can be accessed through or through QR codes.
11. Implement in the prioritized public IAFAS and IPRESS the use of the Insured Accreditation Model (SITEDS MODEL)
Implement in the public health subsector the use of a standardized electronic mechanism that supports the communication of health coverage information between the public IAFAS and IPRESS.
12. Strengthening of the "Individual Digital Lockers" platform
The Individual Digital Lockers is a technological tool that contains the resolutions issued by judges at the national level, allowing free access in favor of the general public to said information, knowing the individual productivity, meaning, justification and motivation of court decisions.
13. Strengthen and disseminate the digital platform of the Congress of the Republic "Digital Archive of the Legislation of Peru" for free access to information on legislative matters
Within the information on legislative matters that is published and disseminated on the digital platform of the Congress of the Republic "Digital Archive of the Legislation of Peru", it is expected to incorporate (1) different formats and means that can be used to present the laws translated into Quechua and (2) different formats and media usable for people with visual or hearing disabilities.