Action Plan
This plan presents a different approach to the previous one since it not only concentrates its efforts on developing open government actions in the sphere of the executive branch, but also the measures were extended to the other branches of the State, creating an open State plan.
To this end, different stages were carried out in nine main sectors of the country, all in order to convene the different sectors of society, including citizens, academia, and the private sector. These stages materialized in the realization of advance notification, the first stage of the co-creation process, where through the dissemination of the consultation initiative, both in face-to-face and digital media, it was sought to achieve a broad call in participatory instances, with the intention of generating a public consultation based on citizen participation. Once the draft of the plan was formed, online instances were set up in the socialization days, where citizens could give their opinion about the commitments.
Regarding the general guidelines of the Plan, it includes activities related to the strengthening of the institutional capacities of the institutions, both through the qualification and training of officials, as well as through the modernization of information channels and delivery of services, as well as through the development of instances aimed at raising awareness among the vulnerable population.
Monitoring and evaluation:
National platform for monitoring commitments (no information)
Honduras Transitional results Report 2018-2021 - Independent Reporting Mechanism (Click here)
Main focuses: open data, fiscal transparency, access to information
Total commitments: 20
Subnational commitments: No
Open parliament commitments: Yes
Open justice commitments: Yes
Caracterización del Plan
1. Accountability portals guaranteeing greater access to public information
Open interactive information portals, promoting transparency and accountability in matters of the use of public resources. In this way, citizens are guaranteed access to information and to existing legal frameworks regarding accountability, through open data and web data. Special emphasis is placed on disseminating the exercise of these rights among the minor population, through education.
2. Strengthening of municipal mechanisms for greater citizen access to public information
Implement in all the municipalities, the Unique Transparency Portals, which are a tool for disseminating public information and accountability. For this, it is proposed to carry out instances of non-formal education, to train municipal officials in the application of virtual tools.
3. Open data for the use and benefit of citizens
Co-create, together with the public through public consultations and dialogue tables, a data openness policy, which allows progress in legal and technical matters, in the use and reuse of open data. This initiative aims to materialize in the generation of legal frameworks and a platform that allows their dissemination. The choice of a participatory policy responds to the need to detect priorities from participation.
4. Opening of data in public works projects
Apply the Open Contracting Data Standard (EDCA) to the Information and Monitoring System for Works and Supervision Contracts (SISOCS), the entity in charge of monitoring the evolution of public works projects, in order to guarantee access to information of civil society, in all phases of the process. In addition, it seeks to promote interoperability and communication between the actors involved, making the members of the system share the information of the projects. In addition, users of the system (government, civil society, private sector) will be identified to carry out training according to their categories, ensuring efficient use for both internal and external users.
5. Promote electoral civic education and the creation of equal conditions for participation in society to improve the exercise of their rights and fulfillment of their duties in democracy.
Carry out instances of awareness on democratic culture, through the implementation of a national training program, both in-person and virtual, in civic and democratic values, aimed at children, young people and people in vulnerable situations. To this end, a database aimed at compiling the information of the people who meet these characteristics will also be implemented, to guarantee their full inclusion in the process.
6. Integrity in public management
Work on the design and implementation of a National Training Plan on the Code of Ethical Conduct, in conjunction with the formation of technical support committees, reaching the largest number of officials, either at the national or municipal level, for the purposes of obtaining support in compliance with the laws of probity and administrative ethics. In addition to the above, the creation of an institutional commission that can strengthen the mission of the Superior Court of Accounts in the development of a culture of integrity is contemplated.
7. Municipal electronic catalogs and State purchasing platform with a citizen participation model
Develop mechanisms aimed at making the use of resources in municipal management transparent, through the creation of four municipal electronic purchase catalogues, which seek to create an updated registry of suppliers. Along with this, it seeks to involve citizens through the implementation of Honducompras 2.0, a portal dedicated to making the contracts made by the State transparent.
8. Towards an Open Congress, greater openness in accountability
Bring Congress closer to the citizenry through the implementation of technological tools that allow public dissemination, monitoring and follow-up of projects subject to citizen deliberation. Thus, the objective is to generate spaces for accountability and dialogue between Congress and citizens, about the action carried out by the Legislative power.
9. ISO 9001 certification for government social programs, greater transparency and accountability in social bonds
Certify with international standards the social programs of the "Bono Vida Mejor" and design a virtual platform with a citizen module, aimed at publishing the information on social bonds granted by the government, and technical assistance programs for micro-entrepreneurs.
10. Citizen empowerment in national and local budget management
Implement a strategy aimed at increasing citizen participation in the preparation, discussion and approval of the public budget of the State and Municipalities. For this, it is proposed to carry out workshops to build participatory budgets either for citizens and/or municipal officials, and to generate spaces for dialogue in open councils, in order to empower citizens to be active subjects in matters of fiscal transparency.
11. Participation and empowerment of certified women in road infrastructure projects, public works and mitigation works
Train and empower Honduran women so that they can be certified and participate with their work in public works projects promoted by the State.
12. Administrative simplification with online procedures and citizen complaint system
Develop a comprehensive plan for the implementation of technologies in the facilitation of management processes, such as the design of digital government platforms, electronic signature, citizen complaint systems and updating of regulations that allow reducing the time and cost of administrative procedures, and facilitate the relationship between the State and the citizenry.
13. Citizen co-creation and implementation of innovation projects, citizen innovation laboratory
Implement a citizen innovation laboratory focused on the development of social and cultural projects, in support of the improvement of public services as a result of co-creation. Officials are also included in the process, who are the protagonists in improving administrative management. The implementation of competitive funds is also contemplated, for concepts of innovation awards in the public sector.
14. Municipal and Business Plans with a Human Rights approach, empowering officials and businessmen
Train municipal officials in Human Rights issues, promoting their certification at the regional and local level, developing instruments in conjunction with the private sector, in order to disseminate their respect and promotion. The commitment also includes the implementation of a virtual module in the transparency portals, where citizens will be able to view progress on the matter.
15. Towards an Open Justice, digital file greater transparency in the process
Develop strategies for open judicial government, on the use of information and the incorporation of technologies, such as the generation of a digital file, and the carrying out of permanent training for justice personnel on the importance of the open State and the surrender of accounts. In addition, the implementation of a cultural change is promoted, in how the information generated by the legal body is arranged, aiming at the transparency and openness of its procedures to the entire national territory.
16. Training ambassadors for transparency with the education sector and strategic allies, online birth certificate for the enrollment process
Promote a culture of integrity in educational establishments, through the training of school controllers in primary education, and Open State Youth Councils in higher education, emphasizing comprehensive training in the Law on Transparency and Access to Information public. In addition, the design and implementation of the Culture of Integrity Work Plan in the Communication Media stands out, which seeks support from mass dissemination channels to empower citizens in matters of public ethics. As an additional measure, it is proposed to simplify school registration procedures, implementing digital government tools in district education offices, by eliminating the requirement to present a birth certificate, implementing it online.
17. Improvements in the regulatory framework and the State's human resource management capacity
Improve the regulatory framework for the hiring, classification and management of human resources of the State administration, updating its regulatory framework, based on the implementation of good international practices. In addition, it seeks to strengthen the civil service regime, promoting the necessary reforms through the design of the long-term strategy with the participation of experts. For this, transparent monitoring and follow-up mechanisms will be developed where interested citizens will be able to observe the process.
18. National System of Reference and Response to the patient, electronic clinical record (ECE)
Implement a patient monitoring system, which through the development of information technology tools, will seek to make health systems more accessible to the entire community, emphasizing the vulnerable population. In addition, the creation of the Electronic Clinical Record (ECE) is contemplated, which will have the objective of compiling the information of the patients, facilitating access to their medical information, avoiding duplication in the studies and erroneous diagnoses, generating an increase in the efficiency in medical history tracking and preventive care.
19. Sustainable Cities that affect the environment with potential solutions, transparency in extractive industries
Develop GEO cities processes with the involvement of municipal governments, scientists and policy makers and the general public, in order to promote better dynamics in cities, identifying potential solutions in sanitation issues and minimizing impact in the face of natural disasters. For this, the training of teachers is also contemplated to develop environmental education programs for children and adolescents, on issues of environmental protection.
20. Business integrity with high international standards in a strategic government alliance
Form a network of institutions within the framework of the subscription to the global agreement "Global Compact", which proposes to work towards implementing international standards in labor, environmental, anti-corruption and human rights matters. This network also aims to link different actors, with the support and technical assistance of state agencies, in order to consolidate integrity, accountability and corporate social responsibility in the country.