The primary objective of the National Land Use Plan (NLUP) is to provide a strategic framework to guide land development in Guyana. As such the NLUP is built upon a number of national policies and strategies that have a direct relevance for land use and land management. A main objective of the NLUP is to enable financial resources to be targeted at optimal land uses at the regional level. To this regard, the NLUP has been compiled from a policy of active promotion of multiple land use.
The NLUP is not prescriptive in that it does not aim to zone areas of the country for particular land uses, rather it aims to suggest a number of options for particular areas that can then guide decision-makers and attract inward investment. In conjunction with the above, a further aim of the NLUP is to provide a spatial element to development planning, to show on one map, or a series of maps, what the current situation is, where resources are located, where potential exists and what linkages may be necessary to develop those resources.