Horizon 2030 embodies the core values that are to guide citizen behaviour and inform the strategies to achieve the common vision for the future. It represents the consolidated views of many stakeholders: young and old, men and women, students and teachers, politicians and voters, employers and employees, public and private sectors, farmers, tourism operators and artists.
During the formulation process the Horizon 2030 Team met with stakeholders in all the districts of Belize. There was great similarity of views across these very varied groups, not only on the critical issues facing Belize, but also on the desired goals for the future and the strategies to achieve these goals.
Caracterización del Plan
"By the year 2030, Belize is a country of peace and tranquility, where citizens live in harmony with the natural environment and enjoy a high quality of life. Belizeans are an energetic, resourceful and independent people looking after their own development in a sustainable way".