The MTF serves as the central tenet of the implementation framework of Vision 2030 Jamaica and the main vehicle for advancing the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its 17 SDGs. To date, the MTF has included a package of prioritized national strategies and sector strategies, and the most critical/catalytic actions that operationalize the sector strategies. Each MTF is informed by several sources of evidence, public policy frameworks and arrangements.
The MTF is also informed by other development considerations, including development performance, such as gains, slippages, and gaps; the national and global development context; and the perspectives/experiences of stakeholders. The MTF is implemented through the alignment of the development programme (including subprogrammes, and projects) of ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs) and other development actors with the results and strategy framework of the MTF.
I. Jamaicans are Empowered to Achieve their Fullest Potential
Develop and implement National Population Policy
Produce Scheduled/planned/periodic demographic data and official statistics
Improve Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
Establish a Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy Framework, including quality reproductive health data and statistics
Develop and implement Migration Policy and Programme
Strengthen the framework and systems of the Child Care and Protection Act (CCPA) for child development and wellbeing
Implement National Plan of Action for an Integrated Response to Children and Violence (NPACV)
Promote youth engagement in policy development and advocacy on youth development issues
Pandemic management and recovery in the public health system
Strengthen primary health care and the systems and capacities of the care pathway from primary to tertiary
Strengthen disease surveillance and risk mitigation
Strengthen health systems governance and health information systems
Develop health infrastructure
Promote health human resource (HRH) development
Improve access to essential medicines
Support healthy aging and strengthen national capacity to reduce morbidity and pre-mature mortality associated with communicable and noncommunicable diseases
Establish Regulatory and Standards-Dirven Framework for the delivery of early childhood education and care services (including certification of ECIs)
Increase inclusive access to publicly funded early childhood institutions
Increase Multiple Learning Pathways to equip secondary graduates to transition to higher education and/or work
Provide university and college credit programmes in high schools
Fully implement the National Standards Curriculum (NSC) and implement the new National Assessment Programme (NAP)
Provide multiple pathways at the primary and secondary levels of education to meet the different learning needs of students
Fully integrate STEAM and TVET across all programmes at the secondary level
Improve access to quality education for Persons with Disabilities
Facilitate Flexible Learning Pathways at the tertiary level
Strengthen regulatory framework for delivery of world class training and certification
Implement National Human Capital Development Strategy (NHCDS)
Strengthen labour market data and information systems
Strengthen the Social Protection System
Implement the National Policy on Poverty and National Poverty Reduction Programme and coordinate planning and delivery of programming
Facilitate equitable access to public goods, services and infrastructure such as water, sanitation and solid waste disposal, electricity, schools, healthcare and other public facilities and services for rural communities
Support exit strategies for families on welfare
Strengthen social assistance delivery to vulnerable population groups
Deliver social housing and land ownership
Establish a viable and sustainable framework for social insurance and occupational pension coverage and delivery (public and private pension)
Support the vulnerable to engage in sustainable livelihoods
Mainstream and operationalize the Disabilities Act (2014)
Develop and implement frameworks and programmes towards consensus on and institutionalizing core and transformational values
Further develop and integrate , culture, cultural and creative and sport industries in national development
Preserve the country’s cultural heritage
Develop and implement effective parenting intervention programmes
II. The Jamaican Society is Secure, Cohesive and Just
Reform and modernize the law enforcement system through strengthening governance, institutional and technological capacity of the law enforcement system/institutions
Undertake investments and capacity building of the security forces
Implement community safety strategies
Enhance the capacity of communities to participate in creating a safe and secure society to include among other areas, strengthening programmatic focus on youth-based crime and violence
Strengthen capacities in intelligence gathering, including forensics
Strengthen measures to eliminate human trafficking and provide support to victims
Establish National Cyber Security Strategy and Programming Framework
Introduce Electronic Jail Management System
Improve and expand access to justice services in courts, justice centres and mobile justice units
Implement the Restorative Justice Policy and strengthen mechanisms for alternative dispute resolution
Strengthen state capacity for the drafting of legislation and strengthen and modernize the Office of the Parliamentary Council
Develop the framework for the establishment of a coordinated National Statistical System (NSS)
Modernize national data/statistical processes to include digitization among others
Establish the National Identification System (NIDS)
Implement the Enterprise Risk Management Policy for Government
Continue to reform the justice system - Legal and Constitutional Reform
Establish/Operationalize Employee Management Policy (EMP) Framework in GOJ
Establish regulatory, institutional, and operational framework for Integrated Results-Based Management (IRBM) in GOJ/ Establish Integrated Results Based Management Policy Framework in GOJ
Strengthen the Implementation of Vison 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan (NDP)
Continue the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Vision 2030 Jamaica
Continue the Implementation of the National Policy for Gender Equality
Implement Men and Masculinity Programme
Support adolescent parents
III. Jamaica has a Prosperous Economy
Maintain and bolster macro-economic stability – implement debt management strategy, fiscal policy, and monetary policy, and modernization of the tax system
Continue the roll-out of Medium Term Results Based Budgeting (MTRBB)
Restructure Public Sector compensation to establish greater transparency and internal equity and improve competitiveness
Advance Public Sector Pension Reform
Reduce budgetary cost of public bodies and public sector entities
Advance Disaster Risk Financing
Strengthen regulatory and institutional framework for tax compliance and progressive taxation
Continue the Modernization of Customs
Establish an Independent Fiscal Commission
Create Policy Framework for Disaster Risk Financing/ Strengthen Policy framework for Disaster Risk Financing
Continue the roll-out of the Medium Term Results Based Budgeting system for the public sector
Divest key public sector entities
Strengthen the policy, regulatory and institutional framework for business development
Strengthen economic diplomacy
Implement policies and plans on renewable and alternative energy, and energy efficiency and conservation
Develop and maintain mechanisms to promote and facilitate increased Diaspora contribution to national development
Improve processes related to land ownership, titling and transfer
Strengthen the legal and regulatory framework for e-commerce and protection of intellectual property (IP) rights and inclusive access to copyrighted material
Strengthen mechanisms to protect consumer rights
Develop the framework for growth and innovation in emerging industries including: Cannabis and Bamboo
Increase access to capital
Strengthen business productivity and innovation
Establish Jamaica as an International Financial Centre
Strengthen investment promotion and trade facilitation
Strengthen and improve access to electronic platforms and other media for dissemination of labour market information
Improve labour productivity
Develop micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)— including data and information systems for MSMEs and informal sector, Credit/Financing facilities
Continue to implement the revised MSME and Entrepreneurship Policy
Develop a National Investment Policy to guide government in its interactions with investors
Develop and implement initiatives to Increase research and knowledge in high impact areas that affect national productivity and development
Improve and modernize rail services to facilitate the movement of cargo and passengers and the development of rail-based tourism attraction tours
Rationalize land transport infrastructure and services to support more coordinated and efficient management of the land transport sector
Advance the Special Economic Zones & SEZ Regime (SEZA) to attract new and diverse investments
Implement the Water Sector Policy
Finalize and promulgate the National Wastewater Management Policy
Undertake a comprehensive rural water supply upgrading and repairs programme
Develop the Integrated Resource Plan for Energy to guide current and future electricity demand projections
Promulgate regulations under the Electricity Act, Net Billing and Wheeling Regulations
Promulgate the Renewable and Alternative Energy Policy
Promulgate the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy
Advance the establishment of the ESCO Sector
Promulgate the Carbon Credits Policy
Construct Phase IV of the Wigton Wind Farm – largest wind farm in the Caribbean
Retrofit public buildings to make them more energy efficient
Conduct feasibility assessment of waste-to-energy options
Implement the Science, Technology and Innovation policy
Conduct a Technology Readiness Assessment for Jamaica’s first science and technology research park
Support MSME’s though the innovation lab and science resource centre in capacity building, product development and accrediting of analytical services
Develop the National Quality Policy and the National Quality Infrastructure
Complete amendments to the Fair Competition Act
Advance accreditation of laboratories and assist exporters in meeting requirements of the USFSMA, HACCP and ISO standards
Develop and implement a ten-year agricultural sector plan which considers vulnerable groups in the sector such as youth, women, and person with disabilities
Complete the National Youth in Agriculture Policy, towards maximizing the opportunities for youth in the agriculture sector
Develop and implement strategies to reduce Praedial Larceny
Develop and promulgate the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy
Establish additional agro-parks and specialized agricultural zones
Climate smart fisheries management
Establish additional fish sanctuaries to increase fish populations
Amend and promulgate the Food and Drug Act to categorize and regulate Natural Health Products including Nutraceuticals and independent categories to Food and Drugs
Accelerate the uptake of climate-smart agriculture among farmers
Promote the uptake of ISO 14000 and ISO 22000 standards to ensure manufactures benefit from increased compliance with environmental and production standards in building a more prosperous economy
Strengthen the linkages among the tourism, agriculture and manufacturing industries through the Tourism Linkages Hub
Develop a design-led industrial strategic policy framework
Finalize the National Minerals Policy to improve the competitiveness of the minerals sector and to increase the involvement of the private sector in minerals development
Promote the Industrial, Metallic and Rare Earth Minerals subsector to enhance mining sector diversification
Promote energy efficiency in the mining and quarrying industry
Develop policy and regulatory environment and human capital for construction sector
Revise the Construction Industry Policy
Develop policy/regulatory framework for the Cultural and Creative Industries
Develop and implement Business Plan for the Cultural and Creative Industries
Establish Entertainment Policy and Strategy
Promote Business Development and Trade Facilitation for Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs)
Develop and Implement programme to promote community tourism
Market, promote and distribute Jamaica’s cultural and creative products and services
Develop statistical and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems for Jamaica’s cultural and creative industries (CCIs)
Establish policy and regulatory framework for sport
Promote regulatory compliance with international standards/certification for anti-doping in sport
Promote domestic and international trade in sport
Establish Sport Diplomacy Programme
Develop and implement systems and mechanisms for promoting the health and welfare of sportsmen and sportswomen
Develop data, statistical and information systems for the Sport Industry
Develop and implement National Results Framework & Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System for Sport
Revise and implement the ICT Policy
Increase access to public WIFI in areas such as public transportation systems and in national parks
Promulgate the Data Protection Bill
Roll out Phases II and III of the GOJ Portal
ICT Infrastructure Development: Security of ICT Systems
Implement an early warning system to assist in protecting Jamaica’s cyber infrastructure
Establish the Caribbean’s first Cyber Academy
Implement the National Financial Inclusion Strategy to increase the access, knowledge and usage of financial services to the underserved population
Complete the enactment of requisite pieces of legislation to establish Jamaica as a centre for international financial services
Prepare updated Tourism Strategy and Master Plan to guide development of the tourism sector - tourism markets, investments, products and partnerships
Implement community tourism programme
Develop multi-destination tourism concept
Increase marketing programmes to specific countries in South America and Continental and Eastern Europe and Emerging Markets
Enhance the promotion of heritage-based tourism through the continued focus on the development and preservation of the country's major heritage assets: priority areas include Port Royal, Seville, Spanish Town and Falmouth
Develop the craft policy and establish the Craft Authority
Establish Artisan Villages and gastronomic experiences as part of Heritage Tourism initiatives
Establish pension scheme for tourism workers
Develop the framework for housing solutions for tourism workers in resort towns
IV. Jamaica has a Healthy Natural Environment
Develop and implement a Green Investment Policy
Increase the coverage of protected areas in relation to Jamaica´s territory, including ecologically sensitive areas
Promulgate a range of environmental policies including: Watersheds Policy; National Land Policy; Water Sector Policy and Action Plan; and the Beach Access and Management Policy
Revise the National Plan of Action on Land Based Sources of Pollution
Revise the National Waste Management Policy to reflect emerging issues such as hazardous waste, e-waste, medical waste, white waste, agricultural waste, sewage waste; and conduct waste characterization and generation studies
Prepare a sustainable consumption and production strategy (waste/plastics minimization/cleaner technologies)
Develop a Comprehensive National Policy/Strategy/Regulatory Framework on Disaster Risk Management
Develop a climate change strategy for the tourism sector
Develop and implement the National Adaptation Plan (NAP)
Implement Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness Programmes
Develop and implement the Climate Change Policy Framework
Develop the Public Financial Management Policy for Natural Disaster Risk
Create and manage a Database/ National Risk Information Platform (NRIP)
Develop and implement Long Term Strategies (LTS) for low carbon and climate resilient development
Establish National Spatial Data infrastructure (NSDI)
Develop/Update and operationalize the Town and Country Planning Act (TCPA)
Implement the Electronic Land Registration System (2021-2027)
Create the New Kingston Smart City Thoroughfare
Maintain relevant legislative/regulatory framework for the housing sector
Develop and implement Local Sustainable Development Plans (LSDPs) for Municipalities, ensuring that updates are scheduled and all are no older than 5 years
Conduct and report on squatter census to address housing needs
Develop the rural road infrastructure/network