In accordance with Article 40 of our Constitution, the Santokhi-Brunswijk Administration has prepared this Multi-Annual Development Plan (MOP) 2022-2026. This plan is the starting point for the Growth and Modernization phase of this Government and therefore serves as a beacon of light into the future. A solid plan is a necessity for the Republic, which has experienced significant socio -economic disruption, and which is now in a more stable situation due to the implementation of the Recovery Plan 2020-2022.
The Multi-Annual Development Plan 2022-2026 thus builds on the Recovery Plan 2020-2022 and further implements the Planning Act, which has as its mission a balanced socially-just development of society. The Multi-Annual Development Plan 2022-2026 does not intend to solve all problems in the country and represent all interests, but rather to set out a strategy (vision, direction, priorities, and implementation). These have been chosen and formulated in such a way that they are feasible in terms of implementation capacity and financial capacity, and so that the Republic can respond favorably to foreseeable opportunities and threats, such as globalization and climate change.
The value system underlying this plan is formed by justice, inclusiveness, freedom, equality and sustainability.