The National Resilience Development Strategy (NRDS) is characterized by three major forces: Sustainable Development Goals;  Building the First Climate Resilient Country in the World vision and; People-centered Development.


These forces are shaped by three strategic elements:

1. Environmental Protection
2.Social Development
3.Economic Development and Transformation


At the core of this strategic framework are the national goals of Sustainability and Resilience.


Sectoral strategies which focuses on people, sound macro-economic and fiscal policies, environmental management, sustainable and inclusive growth with jobs, and synergistic and cross-cutting areas are the engines that drive the NRDS, and once successfully implemented will lead to a resilient Dominica.

Caracterización del Plan

1. The attainment of sustained, sustainable and inclusive growth

- Sustained, sustainable and inclusive growth of minimum 5% achieved
- 100% of GDP per capita growth rate achieved
- Broader economic diversification and transformation achieved
- Unemployment reduced below 5%
- Underemployment reduced by 60%

4. Operate a robust electricity supply system drive by renewable energy

- 100% renewable energy sector achieved
- 50% reduction in losses from natural disasters achieved
- 100% electricity restored within 3 months after a disaster

5. Undertake energy efficiency projects

- Energy efficiency achieved 
50% in unscheduled black-outs achieved 
75% of distribution lines underground

6. Pursue smart agricultural growth through modernization and diversification

- Greater use of organic input achieved
- Increase no. of greenhouses operated
- Increase no. of farmers involved in hydroponics and other non-soil agricultural technologies
- Technology transfer from regional organizations and bilateral partners doubled
- Increase no. of GAP farmers achieved
- Higher no. of irrigated farms operated
- Export crops increase in numbers and types (100% increase in number / 50% increase in variety)
- Stable number of farm employment achieved 
Agriculture contribution to GDP increase by 50% for 7 years
- Agricultural loss to weather events below 50%
- Reduction of root crop farms on sloped lands achieved
- 50% of agricultural sloped lands cultivated with tree crops
- Value chain of 3 root crops fully developed with sustained marketing arrangements
- 5 agricultural stations fully operational
- Higher level of budget for research and development on climate resilient crops and livestock breeds achieved

8. Increase the number of export driven agro-processing establishments

- 100% increase in export driven agro-processing achieved

10. Better organization of small and micro business sector

- All small and micro businesses registered
- A registration process established with comprehensive data base maintained
- 100% of registered businesses keep business accounts

11. Manage a well- established creative industry sector

- No. of films made in Dominica doubled
- 100% increase in recording artists achieved
- 100% increase in festivals achieved

12. Manage a world- class resilient infrastructure sector

- One modern container port built
- Damage to ports from natural disasters reduced by 50%
- 100% of all primary roads surface concreted
- 50% of primary roads have concrete drains
- 75% of all secondary roads have concrete surfaces
- 100% of feeder roads surfaced
- % loss to road sector by natural disasters reduced by 50%
- Construction of international airport achieved

13. Operate a dynamic trade sector

- Significant reduction in trade imbalance achieved (50% reduction)
- Higher level of export mix achieved (at least 50%)
- Higher level of exports achieved (at least 100% achieved)

14. Operate a robust communication system with high level of connectivity at all times

- Above 100% cell phone penetration rate maintained
- Loss of telecommunication services from natural disasters reduced by 75%
- 90% internet service achieved
- 100% telephone connectivity achieved within 2 months of disasters

16. Manage a robust modern health system accessible and affordable

- Full employment of well- trained doctors, nurses and other health professionals maintained
- Streamline health system operated with Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 state-of-the-art health facilities
- A healthier more productive population achieved

17. Manage a modern and relevant education system

- Higher level of trained teachers at the primary and secondary school level achieved
- Universal secondary education achieved
- A streamlined more efficient and effective primary school system achieved
- Higher level of male students to successfully complete secondary school
- Universal college education achieved

18. Manage a competitive trade sector

- Higher level of trade complexities/sophistication achieved
- Higher quality of goods and services achieved
- Greater level of export market diversification attained

19. Operate a modern dynamic science and technology sector

- A world class telecommunication system achieved
- One Science and technology Park/Centre established
- Separate budget line for research and development outlined in the budget

20. Manage an industrial development portfolio with budget

- Policy framework for industrial development achieved and fully operational
- Green Industrial Parks established/ fully operational

21. Realize a higher level of productivity in the labour force

- Higher level of critical task driven by modern technology
- Greater rate of GDP growth achieved
- Higher number of employees with Masters and PhDs, relevant to national development

22. Blue Economy plays a bigger role in economic development and diversification

- Higher volume of trade achieved 
A larger more modern fisheries sector achieved
- One modern fish processing facility established
- Fisheries operations driven by modern technology
- New fisheries legislation/ regulation approved

23. Manage a safe, affordable and reliable water system

- Sustainable and resilient alternative to existing water intake method adopted
- Maximum 50% of intakes disrupted with restoration within 2 weeks
- Greater than 60% of population receive water within a week

24. ALL communities in Dominica classified as resilient communities

- 100% resilient shelters achieved
- Guidelines on household resilience issued
- 100% of all resilient shelters equip with basic supplies
- 50% of basic supplies derived from resilient crop programs
- 100% resilient health centres achieved
- Schools are 100% resilient
- Resilient community communication system exist
- Fully functioning vibrant community, disaster committees established
- First response state functionality integrated into community disaster management system
- Fully functional stand-by power system established for essential services

25. Operate a core of resilient network

- Power supply is 90% resilient
- Water supply is at least 75% resilient
- Telecommunications services is 100% resilient for 60% of population 
- Basic banking services available during and 2 hours after a disaster
- Marketing systems activated 3 days after disaster
- ALL major road networks fully functional three (3)days after a disaster

26. Operate a core of resilient livelihoods

- At least three (3) resilient sectors established
- Green industrial Park established
- Geothermal energy exported
- Value addition to agriculture and fisheries contributing at least 25% of manufacturing
- Climate resilient institute established
- Climate Resilience becomes a Dominican brand and export service

27. Operate a fully functional Resilient Framework

- Legislature framework achieved
- Resilience institutions established
- Resilience concept and practice fully integrated in school system
- Public Education Program dedicated to public awareness and education fully established

28. A viable, sustainable and Resilient Forest

- Greater than 60% of forest cover maintained
- Forest mapping and action plan developed
- Specific forest established with viable and sustainable species
- Biodiversity mapped preserved and monitored

30. Legislated Disaster Management Framework exist

- Modern disaster management legislation passed
- Organizational structure strengthened and fully functional at all levels National regional and local (community level)

31. Manage a modern effective and efficient Waste Management System

- Waste management legislation strengthened
- A system of waste sorting and recycling operated
- Well informed and responsible Waste Management system at the household level achieved
- Waste input into food production and energy well established

32. Manage an increasing population

- Decline in population reversed

33. Poverty reduction remains a major national objective

- Head count poverty below 15%
- Household poverty below 10%
- Indigence below 1%

34. Manage a modern, well-structured, and adaptive Social Protection System

- Institutional Framework for Social Protection Management exist (legislation, policy, strategy and action plan)
- Individual Social Protection programmes well established with developed, operating procedures/guidelines and protocols
- Operationalized synergies/MOUs exist within the national social protection system with options for referral triggers
- Improved management information on applicants and beneficiaries of programmes to inform the design of social protection programmes and to use this data to trigger support during a crisis;

36. Manage a vibrant social capital regime

- Greater number of community and neighborhood groups exist 
Higher level of inter and intra community activities achieved
- A higher level of koudmain achieved
- A reduction in neighborhood and criminal behavior achieved
- Specific orientation for migrant population established

37. Operate a dynamic public-private partnership regime

- A well-established PPP framework achieved
- PPP large projects exceeds ten (10)

38. Manage a transparent, accountable and inclusive governance framework

- A social compact exists at the national level
- Modern local government legislation enacted
- National reports published and distributed eg. Economic and Social Review
- Harmonized for boundaries extension services achieved
- A regime of district and community base reporting system exist

39. Gender equality remains a major national development objective

- Institutional framework for gender equality well established, legislation, policy, strategy and action plan
- Action plan actively implemented

40. Kalinago people development remains a clear focus of national development

- An updated Kalinago Development Plan being implemented
- Poverty among Kalinago people well below the national average

42. Manage a well- established Labor Market Management Information System

- A regime of Labor Market data capture established
- A well-established Labor Market Information System exist
- A regime of skills training and retooling well established

43. Manage a data sharing regime

- Data capture and management culture established in the public service
- Integrated data management system operational
- Institutional framework exist for data management