Grenada's National Sustainable Development Plan 2020-2035 sets out the vision for the country's sustainable development and long-term transformation.


This Plan provides strategic direction to steer the Tri-island State towards achieving Vision 2035 and as such, it puts forward localised solutions thar are aimed at fundamentally improving the way Grenadians live, work, treat natural environment and interact with institutions. The Plan is firmly grounded in Grenadian realities and it is built on the aspirations of the Grenadian people.


It has been formulated on broad-based extensive and intensive dialogue with Grenadians across all spheres.


The strategic focus of the NSDP 2020-2035 rests on the tree sustainable development pillars: society, economy and environment. Accordingly, Vision 2035 is translated into the following three National Goals:

Goal #1: High human and social development: putting people at the center of sustainable development and transformation.

Goal #2: Vibrant, dynamic, competitive economy with supporting climate and disaster resilient infrastructure. ​​​​​​​

Goal #3: Environmental sustainability and security.


The National Goals are mapped into eight National Outcomes, which are improvements or positive changes in institutions, systems, communities, behaviors, living conditions or knowledge.


Each National Outcome is linked to relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The National Outcomes are:

1. A healthy populations

​​​​​​​2. Educated, productive, highly-skilled, trained and conscious citizens

3. A resilient, inclusive gender-sensitive and peaceful society

4. Broad-based, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and transformation

​​​​​​​5. Competitive business environment

​​​​​​​6. Modern climate and disaster resilient infrastructure

​​​​​​​7. Climate resilience and hazard risk reduction

​​​​​​​8. Energy security and efficiency


To achieve each outcome the Plan sets out a total of 217 strategic actions that are spread across the eight outcomes and three goals.