Law No. 777 of the Integral State Planning System (SPIE) of Bolivia (Spanish)

This Law aims at establishing the Integral Planning System of the (SPIE), which conducts the planning of the integral development of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, in the framework of Vivir Bien (Living Well). At the same time, it establishes that the SPIE should be formed by the following subsystems:


a. Planning

b. Public Investment and External Financing for Integral Development

c. Follow-up and Integral Assessment of Plans.


As a result of this reorganization, the National Public Investment System (SNIP) is replaced and the State System for Investment and Financing for Development by the Public Investment and External Financing Subsystem for Integral Development (SIPFE). The Public Investment and External Financing Subsystem for Integral Development (SIPFE) is the set of principles, processes, procedures and technical instruments for investment management and bilateral and multilateral external financing required for the implementation of the generated plans in the Integral State Planning System. Article 26 of this Law establishes that the principles, processes, procedures and technical instruments of the Public Investment and External Financing Subsystem for Integral Development will be defined by the corresponding regulations. These regulations have not yet been published, so the Basic Provisions of the National Public Investment System, the Basic Operation Rules of the SNIP and the Basic Pre-investment Regulation remain in use.

January 2016
Last reform
August 2020
Instrument type
Laws and regulations
Territorial scale