Physical Planning and Development Control Act (No. 25 of 2002) of Grenada

The Physical Planning and Development Control Act provides rules the physical development of public and private land in Grenada so as to, among other things: ensure sustainable land use; maintain and improve the quality of the physical environment; provide for the orderly subdivision of land; and protect and conserve the natural and cultural heritage of Grenada.

As for the administration of this Act, the Development Control Authority established by the Land Development Control Act, is continued as the Panning and Development Authority. The Minister shall be responsible for consistence and continuity of administration of this Act in accordance with stated objects.

The Head of the Physical Planning Unit, being also the chief executive of the forest officers in charge of managing State forests, shall develop a physical plan for Grenada in accordance with this Act and the Plan shall, after public review, be approved by the Parliament.
Development of land (as defined) requires written permission from the Authority. The Authority may require an environmental impact assessment statement in addition to specified information to be provided by an applicant. Appeal against decisions of the Authority may be had with the Physical Planning Appeal Tribunal established under this Act. The Act further provides, among other things, for enforcement of development control by the Authority, conservation of natural and cultural heritage, compulsory acquisition of land by the Government and regulation-making powers of the Minister.


September 2002
Last reform
June 2008
Instrument type
Laws and regulations
Territorial scale
Sectorial topic