Planning of Jamaica

Vision 2030JamaicaNationalDevelopmentPlan (NDP) Parliament Jamaica_finalfinal Seguimiento Evaluación F ormulación Implementación STATINStatisticaldatabaseswithin theStatisticalInsitutute ofJamaice Performancemonitoringandevaluationframeworksystem PIOJMain planningagency in Jamica PIOJ Plan DevelpmentUnit PDU Plan AdvisoryGroup P AG T ask F orces T he C abinet T echni c al Moni t oring C ommit t ee SECTORPLANS OperationalPlans MTFsMedium TermSocio-EconomicPolicyFrameworks Priorityprograms andprojects forimplementationof the NDP MTEFMedium Term ExpenditureFramework MTSEFMedium TermSectoralExpenditureFramework Reports AnnualSectoralReport AnnualProgressReport TWGsThematicWorkingGroups NPCNationalPlanningCouncil EDCEconomicDevelopmentCommittee T echni c al Secretariat MDAsSectoralFocalPoints PRIMEMINISTER Resultmonitoringpolicymatrices Ministries f or quality and timely sec t o r al data and moni t oring progress Works with S upports C onsists o f S upported B y Develope Articulates with Budgeting tools S ubmitted t o Chairedby Preperadby I nstitucionalized by


The first step in the planning process was the articulation of a draft Vision Statement: “Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business”. This Vision statement is consistent with ideas expressed during the National Sustainable Development Framework (NSDF) visioning exercise and through the PIOJ’s “Dialogue for Development” series. The next step was the identification of twelve areas of strategic focus and a set of guiding principles which are critical for fulfilling the objectives of the Plan and Vision. Four goals were distilled from the vision statement, each of which supports the principles of sustainable development. These goals are: 

1. Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential

2. The Jamaican society is secure, cohesive, and just

3. Jamaica’s economy is prosperous

4. Jamaica has a healthy natural environment.

To ensure the successful preparation, implementation and ownership of a national plan which reflects the aspirations of every Jamaican,it was facilitated a process which ensured a high degree of consensus and the participation of a wide cross-section of the society. To this end, a number of approaches were adopted and the initiatives described below pursued.

A small Plan Advisory Group (PAG) was established, consisting primarily of industry leaders, academia and leaders from various sectors, with responsibility for bringing its perspectives on the plan development process and for championing support for the Plan particularly among private sector groups, civil society and in the Diaspora. Most of these persons served as co-chairs or members of Task Forces. Thirty-one Task Forces were established in March 2007, each of which was responsible for developing a sector plan. These Task Forces constituted an effective liaison and interface among the PIOJ, the agencies of Government, the private sector and civil society. Approximately 20 persons representing a wide array of professionals with sector specific knowledge and experience were invited to participate on each Task Force. Officials from the IDPs were also involved.

Each sector plan contains the Situation and SWOT analyses, a Vision Statement, and a Strategic Framework comprising the sectoral goals, objectives, strategies as a phase one and an action plan in the second phase.

The process of integrating all 31 sector plans into one coherent long-term national development plan for Jamaica commenced at the end of October 2007. The integration aspect gave significant consideration to the guiding principles which were already infused into the sector plans. These related to international competitiveness, balanced development in urban and regional areas, social cohesion and partnership, a people-centred and knowledge-based society and equity.

The first level of integration resulted in the identification of national concerns from the sector plans using a methodology based on the following criteria: 1) seriousness of the problem; 2) interest and demand of the society; 3) burden of condition; and 4) feasibility of addressing a particular issue. These then formed the basis for identifying the 15 National Outcomes. Seventy National strategies were later drawn from the sector plans, specifically the sector objectives.


Vision 2030 Jamaica is implemented through a series of Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Frameworks (MTFs), which identify the priority outcomes, strategies and actions for each three-year period from 2009 to 2030. Each iteration is designed to advance the implementation of the Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan, and builds on the results of the previous. The Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF) 2015-2018 is the third medium term strategic programme to advance the implementation of the Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan, and builds on the results of the previous MTFs for 2009-2012 and 2012-2015. MTF 2015 – 2018 presents the priorities over the medium term to move Jamaica forward towards:

As with its predecessors, the preparation of MTF 2015-2018 has utilized the participatory and inclusive approach which is expressed in the guiding principles of Vision 2030 Jamaica. The Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) has guided the preparation process, ensuring the participation of key stakeholders in the public sector, private sector, trade unions, civil society, academia, and the international development community.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The Vision 2030 Jamaica Secretariat coordinates the monitoring and evaluation of plan implementation and the achievement of expected development results, and provides inputs on strategic direction. The system is built to generate two reports: the Annual Progress Report and Annual Sectoral Reports. The first will be the main output and Technical Monitoring Committee (TMC) through the Technical Secretariat (TS) will prepare and submit the Annual Progress Report to the National Planning Council (NPC) and the Economic Development Committee (EDC). The annual sectoral reports compiled by the Sectoral Focal Points for submission to the TMC. These will be integrated into the Annual Progress Report. 

The progress reports represent the only space nationally that allows for the reporting on the overall development progress of Jamaica – that is social, economic, environmental and governance spheres of development.  Progress in the achievement of the goals and outcomes of Vision 2030 Jamaica is measured through use of national outcome indicators aligned to the 4 goals and 15 national outcomes. These indicators signal the extent to which the implementation of strategic priorities under Vision 2030 Jamaica is achieving intended results. In FY 2015/16, 67 indicators – 20 more than the 47 indicators utilized in FY 2014/15 - were utilized to assess progress in meeting medium term targets and advancement towards the 2030 targets and goals.

Connection with sectoral planning

The government ministries and other key sectoral stakeholders play an essential role in the planning process. They are present in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.