Vision 2030 Jamaica is broad-based in scope, non-partisan and inclusive, the recipient of input from the public and private sectors, Trade Unions, NGOs, external agencies and ordinary citizens. The final product is a National Development Plan which captures the very diverse needs and aspirations of the people of Jamaica, which are guided by the extensive work of the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ).


This long-term development plan seeks to put Jamaica in the position to achieve developed country status by 2030. Through short- and medium-term priorities, policies and programs which are captured in the Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF), the Plan provides dynamism and flexibility. This framework for implementation facilitates consistent monitoring and evaluation and allows domestic as well as global changes to be reflected and incorporated in the planning process.


The Plan is guided by 4 interrelated National Goals that identify what Jamaica wants to achieve for the society, economy, environment and in governance. It also contains 15 National Outcomes that are linked to the relevant National Goals; 84 National Strategies that guide the steps of ministries, departments and agencies of government (MDAs), private sector, civil society from 2009 to 2030 and; a Results-based Monitoring & Evaluation framework with indicators and targets at the national and sector levels.


This Results-based Monitoring & Evaluation framework is presented in detail in the Vision assigning the PIOJ (planning authority) as the coordinator of the mechanism, among other institutions and stakeholders (the system defines roles and resposabilities at three levels: Political, Techinical and Consultative). The framework is in process due to the fact that the indicator's matriz is still an ongoing process.  

Conceptos más frecuentes en el plan
Conceptos más frecuentes en el plan
Conceptos ODS en el plan
Conceptos ODS en el plan

Plan Characterization


“Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business”.