Plan de Acción
Colombia se ha visto inmerso en una ola de protestas y movilizaciones que rechazan la corrupción, la opacidad, el uso indebido de los recursos públicos y, por otra parte, en la pandemia del COVID-19. Debido a lo anterior, la confianza y la cohesión social también se han visto afectadas. Por esto, el Cuarto Plan de Acción Nacional de Gobierno Abierto de Colombia tiene un enfoque de Estado que abarca a las entidades del ejecutivo a nivel nacional y local, órganos de control y las altas cortes para recuperar la confianza ciudadana en la institucionalidad pública.
El Comité de Estado Abierto, con el apoyo del OGP Multi-Donor Trust Fund, diseñó la metodología para el proceso de construcción de este Cuarto Plan de Acción de manera consensuada. En primer lugar, se definieron las áreas temáticas a traves de una consulta ciudadana mediante una encuesta en la que participaron 806 ciudadanos de 29 departamentos. Luego, se identificaron las problemáticas y/o propuestas institucionales para después generar los compromisos. Finalmente, se redactaron y adoptaron los compromisos por parte de las entidades.
Seguimiento y evaluación:
Plataforma nacional de seguimiento de los compromisos (Ver)
Informe de revisión del Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (Ver)
Enfoque principal: datos abiertos y transparencia
Total de compromisos: 15
Compromisos subnacionales: Sí
Compromisos de Parlamento abierto: No
Compromisos de Justicia abierta: Sí
Plan Characterization
1. Open data against corruption
Publish the Inter-American Open Data Program (PIDA) in the Colombian State Data Portal
2. Open collaboration for easy and corruption-free procedures
Optimization and standardization of procedures in the environmental, health and taxes sectors based on the identification of gaps and possible risks of corruption.
3. Environmental Information System (SIAC)
Implement a SIAC management metamodel (Automation of operation processes), and establish a solution architecture for the single window for procedures and services from the environmental sector to the citizen, to promote environmental culture and citizen participation.
4. Transparency in public finances
Harmonization between platforms that manage the programming and disbursement of resources, investment and public contracting to achieve traceability of public resources; strengthen the spaces for informed participation and generate citizen skills for the management of information on public finances in cross-cutting policies.
5. Social control of investment projects "Regalías COVID-19"
Promote citizen participation; generate supplies for the Monitoring, Follow-up, Control and Evaluation System of the General Royalty System (SGR); feedback monitoring results; update the registry of social actors and organizations; facilitate dialogue and interaction between various actors; contribute to compliance with the principles of transparency and the fight against corruption; move towards digital participation.
6. Open Data Platform - Open Bidding Bank of the Mayor's Office of Palmira
Design and implement an open platform for viewing and downloading data in order to promote citizen participation in the investment of the resources of the Municipality of Palmira.
7. Active Transparency Strategy of the Yumbo Mayor's Office
Build a co-created IT solution to guarantee the use of open data; improve the website of the Mayor's Office; opening and permanent use of open data; improve the institutional supply of procedures.
8. Democratization of local development. Open Government of the Mayor's Office of Bogota
Develop a strategy for the democratization of local development with collective intelligence through ICT support, prioritization, implementation and citizen monitoring of 50% of the resources of the Local Development Funds.
9. Open Government Strategy of the Mayor's Office of Cali
Design and implement the initial phase of the open government strategy in Cali to solve problems related to public procurement, environment and gender.
10. Follow-up to the Departmental Development Plan of the Governor's Office of Boyacá
Implement a Public System of analysis, follow-up and cross-control of the Departmental Development Plan.
11. School of Open Government and Valle del Cauca dialogues of the Governor's Office of Valle del Cauca
Implement the School of Open Government and the Valle del Cauca dialogues to promote the effective incidence of citizens in the public management of the Government of Valle del Cauca.
12. Active transparency and open data of the department of Valle del Cauca (Governor's Office of Valle del Cauca)
Design and implement an open data strategy to allow co-creation exercises and improve the quality and quantity of the information published on the website.
13. Women in access to public information of the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation
Include the gender perspective, specifically the equality of women, in the strategy of access to public information of the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation.
14. Transparency and accountability in the Council of State
Develop and implement technological tools that deliver strategic and focused information to citizens in order to promote spaces for informed dialogue in the exercise of the mission of the Council of State.
15. Digital transformation for procedures of the Constitutional Court
Carry out a digital transformation of the Constitutional Court to strengthen access to information, transparency in management and citizen participation.