Plan de Acción

Los compromisos del Quinto Plan de Acción están alineados con el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Paraguay 2030; el Plan Nacional de Integridad, Transparencia y Anticorrupción 2021-2025 y la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, así como también con los sectores y ejes priorizados del Gobierno Nacional.

Para la cocreación de este plan, se realizaron varias actividades, entre ellas: consulta pública para definir temas y problemáticas; definición de compromisos mediante mesas de cocreación y formulación de hojas de rutas; sistematización de los resultados de la consulta pública; talleres de mesas temáticas de cocreación; y herramienta de seguimiento. El proceso de cocreación se caracterizó por ser un proceso mixto (reuniones presenciales y virtuales), combinó el uso de herramientas de participación ciudadana digital sincrónicas como asincrónicas y en el diseño de las mesas se propuso un proceso con participación descentralizada, amplia y diversa. En total participaron 198 personas, de las cuales 123 provenían de instituciones públicas, 30 de la sociedad civil; 15 de la academia; 4 de organismos internacionales; 2 del sector privado y 4 de título personal.

Seguimiento y Evaluación:

Plataforma nacional de seguimiento de los compromisos (Ver)

Último informe del Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente (sin información)


Enfoques principales: institucionalidad y gobernanza.

Total de compromisos: 18
Compromisos subnacionales: Sí

Compromisos de Parlamento abierto: 

Compromisos de Justicia abierta: 

Plan Characterization

2.1 Presentation of the organic law creating SENIT

Submit a bill "Creating the National Secretariat for Integrity and Transparency (SENIT)" to the National Congress. The purpose is for the SENIT to replace the National Anticorruption Secretariat (SENAC) as the guiding institution responsible for elaborating, promoting and implementing public policies of transparency, integrity and the fight against corruption in the agencies of the Executive Branch, the central administration of the State, the entities of the decentralized public administration, public companies and joint ventures, and to corporations in which the State is a majority shareholder.

2.3 Integrity and Compliance Business Roundtableesa Empresarial de Integridad y Compliance

Promote the creation of a space for permanent public-private dialogue, formalized and structured, between associations, guilds and chambers of the private sector and State institutions to articulate actions and incentive mechanisms that stimulate the implementation of integrity and compliance policies in companies to promote the culture of integrity, the economy, confidence in the business climate, the attraction of investments and the country's image.

3. Development of a publicly accessible red flags network to promote citizen control over public contracts

Create red flags to allow the detection of risk areas within the public procurement system by identifying, within the universe of procedures, those that show signs of anomalies that could be investigated to rule out the possibility of corruption.

5. Strengthening the Nationa lStatistical System of Paraguay

Continue improving the Administrative Records (RR.AA) of births, deaths and migration; have the National Statistical Development Strategy (NSDS); Address the coordination system of the National Statistical System (SISEN) and the continuous training program with the support of resources from institutions and international cooperation.

6. National Care Policy

The National Care Policy seeks to guarantee the well-being and development of the autonomy of people in a situation of dependency and the people they care for, ensuring access to services, time and resources to care for and be cared for, based on a model of co-responsibility between families, State, private sector and community.

7.2 Mechanism for complaints and denunciations on alternative care for children and adolescents

Strengthen the complaints mechanism as a system for children and adolescents, public and private sector agencies, and civil society, who may file complaints or denunciations related to the operation of organizations that provide care to children and adolescents in alternative care.

9. Strengthening of the Observatory of Judicial Cases and the transmission of corruption and other cases

Strengthen the Observatory, which is an orderly service, with free access to judicial information whose search options include court decisions, regulations and court production, and the live transmission of cases concerning corruption and other emblematic cases, both available on the institutional website.

10. Citizen participation for citizen control

Promote citizen participation for control, improve the quality of accountability, empowered and trained citizens in the social control of public management, by developing a methodology to incorporate citizens in the processes of the General Audit Plan and citizen training in citizen control

12. Monitoring and citizen participation

Promote the development of a culture of citizen participation in public policies; develop plans and strategies for public visibility, communication and awareness for the mobilization and participation of civil society; compliance of public institutions and authorities with citizen accountability processes; implement citizen oversight experiences in their territory, among other actions.

13. Pathway for the diagnosis and care of Chagas disease

To increase the demand for health care services by the beneficiary communities, through the co-creation of an access route that aims to improve access to diagnosis of T.cruzi infection (Chagas) and other prevalent diseases in the districts of Teniente Irala Fernández and Campo Aceval, Department of Presidente Hayes.