Mechanism of articulation/coordination between sectorial and land planning in Bahamas


National level: 

Land planning in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas is regulated by the Planning and Subdivision Act No.4 of 2010. The Ministry of Public Works is in charge of the land use planning process, through the Department of Physical Planning, an entity that is involved in the physical planning system, headed by the Governor General who is responsible for the national policy of land use.

The main instrument of the system is the Land Use Plan, whose preparation and implementation corresponds to an Urban Planning Committee, appointed by the Governor General. The Department of Physical Planning does also take part and is headed by a director who is the technical advisor of the responsible Minister (Minister of Public Works) and of a Committee to approve the applications that comply with the planning and zoning standards established (Law 4 of 2010).

In Addition, a Land Use Plan should be formulated for each island of The Bahamas. The coordination-articulation of the Land Use Plan with the other sectoral plans is the responsibility of the Director of Physical Planning, who should lead a consultation process with People interested in issues such as water management and other natural resources, natural and cultural heritage, environmental protection, agriculture, industry, tourism, commerce, urban development and transportation.

Intermediate level: 

The territorial organization of the public administration only has two territorial instances: central and local (districts). There is no intermediate level.